
2023-2024 Fee Schedule
Tuition fees for the 2023-24 school year are shown below. We have separate tuition for students coming from other countries. Please contact our principal for more information:
1st child at DCHS for the school year tuition: $16,950
2nd child at DCHS for the school year tuition: Additional $3,000
3rd child at DCHS for the school year tuition: Additional $1,500
Enrollment by Semester
Enrollment is assumed to be for the full year program. Families who plan for the attendance of their children for only one semester must communicate that to the principal prior to the beginning of the school year. Families who withdraw after one semester without having given notice are expected to pay one tenth of the annual tuition rate beyond the end of first semester.
Payment Options
Payment to DCHS must be made by post-dated cheques submitted by the end of June or by PAD (Pre-Authorized Debit)
Annually: One payment made by September 1st
Semi-Annually: 50% by September 1st and 50% by February 1st
Over 10 Months: 1/10 on the 1st of each month September to June
Over 12 Months: 1/12 on the 1st of each month August to July
Please date cheques written to “DCHS” for the 1st of the month.
Tuition paid to a Christian school is considered by Revenue Canada to be made up of both tuition and donation. The donation portion of tuition when claimed upon filing personal income tax returns receives a tax refund of approximately 45%.
What other fees might I expect?
Transportation: These fees are now incorporated into the tuition schedule.
Uniforms: These can be purchased new from our supplier DGN-Kilters online (click here). Most families look at $300/child in their first year for uniform expenses.
Other: There will be some extra costs for certain team uniforms, class trips and other incidentals. Families can choose to set up a student ledger account (payments due at end of each semester before exams) or can choose to pay as you go.